Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ears? Check.

Part of the charm and characteristics of a Papillon is their ears.  They are to have the appearance of a butterfly when they are pricked up.

Unless you are a Phalene which means moth in French and then the ears are drop ears.

It always amazes me the difference in the ears between the boys and the girls.  Even given Cutter is a Phalene, the length of hair, thickness, shape are different between the sexes.

Let's start with Cutter since he truly looks different than the others in that his ears cannot prick up.  They can move around and certainly hear things no other dog or human can.  His ears have very little fringe, in fact this is only about 1/2" longer than when he first got here 2 years ago.  His ears are very thin if you are honored to be allowed to touch them.  He's still the puppy mill rescue dog and has a hard time with trust.

These ears go no higher.

Misty has much different ears.  Her's have long fair fringe that flows in the wind, gets food bits plastered in it, smacks me in the eyes if she gives me a hug and then tosses her head, and can sprout rats nest from scratching over night.  Her ears are long and the fringe grows thick from the back and edges.  

This is also the grumpy look from a fresh bath.
She carries off grump very well.

Then there is Scooter who has ears shaped like artichoke leaves.  They are also short, thick and stubby.  This ear fringe has been growing out for a year.

These ears are only good for looking cute.

The true winner in the ear department however goes to Pepper.  These ears are long and thick.  The fringe has grown out and will only appear to continue to grow.  Hair not quite as fine as Misty's, it tangles much less meaning she avoids many of the ear trimming sessions.  

These ears.  They hear all noises.

The Papillon Pack

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Air Plants Are Not a Good Support System.

My Mom has retired with her husband who has been a father long enough in my family for me to consider him a Dad.

After a catch up phone conversation where we discussed air plants and if I would like any, a resounding YES was my answer.  We discussed the next mailing the nomads would be at where I could send them what mail they needed for every thing in the world except bills attached to, well I suppose that mail shows up here as well.  Mom said she would send me air plants and did she ever.

They shape to the form of a mailbox crammed with junk mail.

As I yanked the box out with the mail and various slips of paper that won't make it past the recycle bin, the box grew just a little bit.  It was taped up fairly well, I might even think G-Dad helped out.  

This isn't your ordinary packaging material.

After releasing the pressure valve on the tape and air plant explosion, I am happy to say I can supply most of Seattle with a plant or two.  I've given them to friends that have stopped by, decorated the house and a bathroom by plunking a hunk in a bowl of potpourri.  

So far most of my friends have poked around at it and said they would take some but left them behind.  I only have so many wicker baskets in my house before cramming this stuff into it makes me look like I need to mow my own decorations.  

I am seriously thinking of making a wreath out of them though.  I will keep you posted as I hear my Mom is approaching Spanish moss territory soon.  Now that I can use in my garden.

Arriving with extra love on the handling.

So send those 1970's fridge magnet ideas my way.  

The Papillon Pack

Spring Cleaning.

We brought out the elbow grease over the weekend and dusted dog remnants from under the bed.  As you can see there is enough to make another dog if need be.

All the while this is going on in the front room from Pepper.

Full alert to any noise or movement to the front of the house.

Scooter was chillin' with his mice slippers (some how meese slippers seems more appropriate).

Want to see what the real face looks like attached to this vision of slipperness?

Cutter meanwhile is still in tune with every movement I make in the house.  He still has not settled in enough to just relax if I move around in the house.

Then you look around and see this one.  Misty outside while every other dog is still inside relaxing.  She loves her sunshine and solitude from the other dogs.

She does not however like her picture taken.

Takes a bit after me if you ask.  After all, it was just us two gals outside in the spring sunshine while everyone else was still hibernating.

The Papillon Pack